
garden2Welcome to the Lethbridge and District Horticultural Society website. Our society has been around since 1909. It was inactive during the First World War but resumed again in 1922 as an organization for area gardeners with all levels of expertise to share information on plants and gardening. The site provides information on society activities, past and upcoming, including monthly meetings which feature speakers on a variety of topics related to gardens and plants. As well, we’ll post gardening tips and a place for gardeners to share stories about their experiences with plants in the Backyard Blog. Click on the headings above under the photo for the information you’re looking for. If you think the site could offer more information, send us a note and we’ll see what we can do.

By the way, the photo in the page heading is of dew drops on an unfolding Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle vine leaf in a Lethbridge back yard.

To donate to the Hort Society’s new project, Legacy Ornamental Gardens: https://wp.me/P8hYxd-2T

35 thoughts on “Home

    • The fellow who owns the Stove Pipe Company, Bernie Huizing, has an amazing orchid greenhouse on his own property. He is extremely knowledgeable and very worth tracking down. He will sell some of his plants too.

    • If you’re still interested in orchids I recently imported a bunch from Ecuador for my store, Custom Indoor Grow.
      I have personally been growing orchids for 30+ years.

  1. There is another gardening site for the Lethbridge area; it is ‘I Can Garden.’ According to it there is a Chinook County Orchid Society, and Scott Erickson is the president. His email is listed as Erickson@arbsle.agr.ca All this info is courtesy of the Lethbridge and District Horticultural Society president, BJ Boulton-Gunn. Hope it helps.

    • Hi Penny.
      I tried to get into the meeting last night and I couldn’t.. I use zoom all the time for U of L meeting so I don’t know what happened. I also need to buy memberships but I have no idea where to send the money..

      Can you please help me. Thank you.

      Katie. My email address is katie1canaduan@gmail.com I hope you are well. 🙂

  2. Hi, I am moving to the Lethrbridge area and was looking for info on what grows there. Need to decide what plants to take and what to sell. Your website gave me some idea just by looking at your pictures. Thank you very much.

  3. I would like to try growing Kiwi’s but they are not listed in the local nurseries catalogs. Does anyone know where we can buy the plants or seeds to grow these.

  4. Hi were new to Area and my wife is interested in a garden plot at campus roots. Can you please tell us your garden. I’m also quite knowledgeable about pollinating bees and would like to speak to you about them. Please contact us at 4:03 849 2 954

  5. Hi there, my hubby and I moved into our house in February and many of the neighbors have been telling us the amazing story of our yard and how it’s former owner, Dennis Peterson, kept it. Someone suggested checking with you about possibly having pictures of it. Could you please let me know if this is something you have as we’d love to see what it looked like

    • Where is the house? I’d have to check, but I’m not sure the Hort Society would have yard photos except some of the yards that participated in annual garden tours.

  6. An article in the Lethbridge Herald recently mentioned a memorial rose garden. I am very interested in this but the article states for more information to go to your web site. I cannot find anything referring to this here.

  7. Hello, I am wondering whether anyone in Lethbridge (or round abouts) has planted a clover lawn (or could put me in touch with someone who has)? We are planting a brand new lawn and researching our options. Micro-clover sounds interesting – lower water consumption, less mowing and good for the bees! We’d like to see one first or talk to someone who’s done it. Thanks, Marie

    • I’m aware of one on about 13th Avenue S. east of Mayor Magrath Drive, but not sure it’s clover. The owner had planted his entire front yard with a low ground cover that had a white flower, but don’t think it was clover. Another option is gramma grass, which grows to about six inches or less and doesn’t need mowing or much water. The place on 18th Street S. between 6th and 7th Ave. Has had it in the front for several years. We’ve minimized lawn (none in the back yard and little in the front) preferring to have perennials/shrub mix in beds. The lawn left simply provides some relief. As well, we installed drip or soaker hose in an underground system attached to timers that does limit water use.

  8. Hi there, I am wondering if there is a website where I can find out what plants are resticted in the Lethbridge area/Alberta. I am looking to plant some non-native plants in my yard but don’t want to invite invasive or resticted species here. A particular plant I was looking at is a Wisteria. I know some parts of Canada have it restricted but I could not find any information for Alberta. Any insight on this would be much appreciated!

    • I’ve looked at wisteria as well, but backed off when I read about how fast it can grow and the maintenance it needs. I think they take a few years here to develop, but varieties may differ. The city of Lethbridge has a person who deals with invasive weeds. Otherwise, I Google plants invasive in Southern Alberta to see if any I favour would be a bad idea. One a lot of people in more established areas of the city have a problem with – creeping bellflower – was planted many years ago. Not sold any more but can be transplanted around when dividing other plants. Horrible stuff.

  9. I am moving to Lethbridge this summer, and I am planning to have a small garden. Never mind the wind (although it couldn’t be windier than it is where I live now), my biggest concern is snakes. Are they a problem for gardeners in Lethbridge? Are there precautions I need to take when I start my garden plots? I appreciate any help or comments you could give me!

    • Haven’t heard any gardeners worry about snake. Rattlesnakes do live in our coulees, but am not aware the stray too far from the coulee tops. There has been a person the city defers to to help manage snakes. There may be some yards with garter snakes, but they are supposed to be harmless. As for the wind, some plants, particularly those native to the area, do fine. Others need some shelter from it. Some trees are susceptible to winter winds.

  10. Hi I’m looking at setting up a speedy Saturday event in our village. This will be for people to do a seed exchange as well sell seeds. Is there any event like this and do you have pointers for me? Also would this be something that the society members could be informed if when I set a date etc..

    • During Covid, we have had one taken on by one of our members, who uses bins on his front porch people can access. This year, the same plan, likely early March. Before Covid, tables were set up at our February meeting at the Lethbridge Public Library for people get seeds. Seed Swap Lethbridge does one as well, but not sure when.

    • We’re working on it. Last year, one of our members organized it at his house, using bins on his front porch. Planning the same this year, likely early March.

  11. Good day
    The Master Gardeners Assoc. of Alberta are hosting a spring symposium on April 2nd and I was hoping we could post it in your events listing. I’ve attached the blurb and could send you a jpg of the poster if you like. Thank you in advance for your support.
    Grounded in Science
    MGAA Grounded in Science Spring Symposium with; Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, Marianne Wilburn, and Gary Lewis.
    It’s never too early to start planning the summer garden. Our trio of fabulous speakers will help us create our best gardens yet.
    Gary Lewis is the creative genius behind Phoenix Perennials. Gary is a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker and will surely delight with his recommendations for Avoiding the Summer Doldrums.
    Marianne Wilburn, the Small Town Gardener, is an internationally renowned speaker, columnist and author. Her topic of How to Grow Tropical Plants in Cold Climates will be sure to inspire some tropicalismo in the garden.
    It’s time to get down and dirty once again with Dr Linda Chalker- Scott who returns to our symposium stage to enlighten us on the mysteries of Soil Testing.
    These session will be recorded and available to ticket holders for 1 week following the presentation
    For more information or ticket please go to: http://www.mgaab.org or at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mgaa-spring-symposium-grounded-in-science-tickets-271234789557

    • A lot of trees have been slow to leaf following a winter that had at least four extreme temperature peaks and valleys. This followed a summer of heat in 2021. That could be responsible. As well, a few years ago, some birch trees in the area fell victim to a disease. I’d check with an arborist about the birch. Any leaves at all?

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