Garden Tours

December 17, 2021

Cowley Garden tour, Summer, 2021

A group of Horticultural Society members visited Donna Cisar’s beautiful garden in Cowley. Judy Matlock and Paul Stevenson provided photos .We could use an uplift at the start of a new winter

Coaldale Garden tour (archive)

Gardeners can’t resist seeing others’ gardens, and photographing the infinite ways to display plants. These photos, of the recent Coaldale garden tour, were shot by Lethbridge and District Horticultural Society member Judy Matlock.

 Dirk and Wilma De Vries

Dirk and Wilma De Vries

Darlene and Darwin Heiser

Darlene and Darwin Heiser


J.J. and Jodie Vandekraats

J.J. and Jodie Vandekraats








J.J. and Jodie Vandekraats

J.J. and Jodie Vandekraats








Other gardens in the tour were at the homes of Don and Georgina Warner, Duncan and Doreen Lloyd and Arie and Margaret VanSeters.

Calgary Tour 2014

A group of 12 carpooled to see the Calgary Public gardens and we even made a detour on the way back to Black Diamond to visit Vale’s Greenhouse. There were a lot on interesting plants, some I was unfamiliar with. So it was a bonus to be with other more experienced gardeners and share their knowledge. We all learned something and many of us came back with new plants for our gardens…
Yvonne Bruinsma

A Lethbridge backyard garden
From top left: Fairy garden in a bird bath; Hepatica, the season’s first bloom; Lupin; Monarch on a Blazing Star; pond lily; prickly pear; rose.

fairygarden2 hepatica lupins monarch1 pondlillies2 pricklypear rose

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